ill give my ffriend code K?
Ok you ready for my code?
Ahoy @Alfo4606
Welcome to the boat, your room is number 232
Your key is under the mat and there's refreshments in the cabinets. Everything is prefurnished and room service is free for the first week.
@Emmanice you on atm I'm looking for islands to visit
welcome to the server!
Minecraft anyone?
You are welcome
I’m new to all this and I’m down to play any game. Want to met new people and play switch games with y’all. Also overwatch anyone? Friend code is SW - 6995 - 7679 - 3663
Also, welcome new people to the server!
Ohhh sorry I’m dumb
Welcome to the server new people!
Welcome to the server!
Welcome new people to the server!
So, have you played pokemon unite?
What's that?
Its a free moba game