Yeah I'm probably gonna grab mechanicus when it goes on sale
I haven't really played any of them
Oh cool
That's crazy lol
I've got it in my wish list and will definitely keep an eye on it
I'm gonna try to make some progress in breath of the wild for a bit
Real quick
Not the biggest fan of side scrollers but dang that game looks good
That's some serious gourmet shit
I wonder what the rogue elements are
@poet_fire what do you think of children of Morta so far?
I only have one more family member to unlock
Great game, it’s like a cross between moonlighter graphics and a beautiful bit equally eerie world
Yah and the way they slowly give you little bits of story kinda help to keep you engaged
Hopefully they'll release online co-op sometime soon
Yeah i don’t really have many I can locally play with local out of the blue
Yah my wife will play with me but she isn't very good at games like that
Most people I know are a good distance or our schedules don’t match my youngest sister plays but she has a very different taste for games
She more into mobiles and games like story of seasons