I don't want to get in trouble for posting a link, but if you go to Etsy and searh, "TweetlyArtifacts", it will come up.
Sounds good to me. So I can just request a figurine?
Yes. Make sure you know what you want though.
A lot of artists on etsy only make one kind of thing, but my sister is always trying new things.
I'm down to play for the next 2 hours
Would sound good but there is a test on History tomorrow
I can play
Do you play
or just minecraft
I would prefer ARMS or Mario Kart
Mario Kart's a good all around game
You wanna play then, ?
I like to to play smash or nes or snes online
Sorry no, history test tomorrow and I really need to study for it
I'm not that great at smache
I can help you get better
I've never really understood how S/NES online works
🙄 Ok
You can play online with other people as long as your friends with them