and that fluctuates. in terms of the site? mostly what you'd expect - smash, mk8d, pokemon titles, etc
but the discord can be random. often times, users will randomly pop into asking if people play some random title i didnt even know existed or was ported to the switch
Haha fair
im having trouble viewing that thread on gamefaqs. it's saying "not authorized"
I guess you have to be registered. Sorry. I didn't know that.
Even registered you need to be level 14
which apparently I'm not, lol
Oh really?
The mystery continues on this then.
Anyway, I received Super Mario Maker 2 yesterday. Anyone willing to waste time with me in either co-op or competitive levels?
This really is a mystery
I'm in North East Michigan, so preferably someone East Coast please. Just shoot me a DM whenever. 🙂
Ill post back here if I find any more info on the doc
Welcome new people to the server!
Thanks 🙂
How is the smash bros tourny going?
You are welcome
And after the technical difficulties were solved, not bad
Damn that must have been annoying. Glad to hear it's doing okay though!
Hello everyone 👋