Hey there, thanks! ios/android apps are currently being developed but not available just yet
Just found this on reddit, seems like a super cool way to find people to play with
That's definitely been my biggest issue so far since buying my Switch
Same, found it about 20 minutes ago
That reddit post is blowing up, heh
Hey guys, thanks for joining! I hope you guys are able to find other people to play some games with
And yeah I didn't expect that reddit post to take off like that for sure
Well it's a super awesome idea and great website
also re: the above topic https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2020/06/27/dr-disrespect-finally-breaks-his-silence-on-twitch-ban-and-its-not-good/#52e050603526
I'm typically a lurker as I'm not overly confident in talking etc, but loved the idea so wanted to come and check it out
Glad ya did and thank you for doing so, I appreciate the kinds words as well
And thanks! I've been trying to figure out why. Lemme check that out
Ah, I just read it, it didn't really explain anything
That clickbait got us guys
If I had to guess, it's pretty clear that it's a #MeToo thing
Those are pretty much my exact thoughts as well
If it's so sensitive that the video game journalist wouldn't reveal it...
Then it must be pretty messed up