i think we can wait to see if people ask for it first
never tried and got too much in my hands to start
Nope, you absolutely need Homebrew to be able to do that, and we don’t really specialize in that front, if anything, you can find a reddit post that goes in depth on that specific subject
You requested it
I occasionally play on PC
Pretty sure it's cross platform so you guys could play together if you wanted
You're still be rude for something that the owner did for you.
You totally did
Pokemon was a good choice
Is smite free on the switch?
I'm still working right now, but I'd be down sometime in the future if you still want to play then
Sounds like a plan to me
we have been in a slump recently but we are rolling out some new updates so the server should have some life in it soon
Well when it comes to Nintendo and the switch you get a few benefits that other platforms don't quite have
in terms of games you of course have nintendo's IP's which for the most part are fantastic games
and then the switch itself is the most mobile console on the market while still being able to play some great games
ive never played ps2 personally so i cant really say what you are comparing to but i never regretted getting a switch
Did ya enjoy the gamecube?
i personally was an xbox player before migrating to PC and buying a switch