I did not think the online to these game were going to be a fully featured as they are.
@tacopill How're you liking PKMN Sw/Sd so far?
I'm rather liking it so far
I haven't gotten far into it, but I'm not seeing a lot of the problems I was hearing about
@tacopill LoL, Neither have I.
people's opinions are so mixed right now
or at least what they've done
I read some guy who spent more than 10 hours before getting any badges, then someone else showing off they beat the game in about 14
it's weird
I was hoping this would be a Pokemon game on the level of Super Mario Odyssey or Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild
looks pretty close so far.
And yea
people have different beating rates
Exp Share has made the adventure more streamlined
I really don't wanna say it, but ||there's not much outside the wild area it seems like, going by multiple reports and footage||
a spoiler obviously
I know someone who beat World of Light in 1.5 hours, while I'm just getting passed the main blocking thing that happens near the beginning of the game
It's difficult to find time to play games for me, so I'm always moving at a snail's pace with these
Made it to the Wild Area. I'm trying to get a snapshot of my avatar next to the low res tree from the trailers🤣
||what I mean is that most routes feel like hallways and there's no caves/dungeons just like BotW||