A.c. switch takes the top spot in my wishlist now that pokemon gets a direct this wednesday
that Tuesday is gonna be the only exciting part for me
yeah same
dont care about anyone else
ill probably tune into Ubisoft and Square Enix just incase something big pops up
i'm not really attached to anything there other than Nintendo stuff, mostly because i don't own anything but a Switch for gaming
^ yeah same
but ubisoft and square are the only ones from that list that release on switch as well
oh and bethesda but less interested in them
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@KawlunDram and @Starcronix this isn't a promotional channel
or server
Not my content
Thanks everyone for still being here.
Not sure where the owner went
Sorry. I apologize!!!
I didn’t know where else to put it. My bad
Shoutout to and a round of applesauce for @tacopill for being a faithful admin and not going out for a pack of smokes like some people cough beloved and merciful leader, the one true ruler of switcher, chownk cough
Thank you
Also, did you realize you said applesauce?