I lurk sometimes here but yeah, there's a lot of traffic on Switcher rather than this Discord
Feel free to add me 7313 9324 6133 😃
i want friends 7204-7127-5425
and just like that, the last message was 2 days ago
Guys wait
The wait continues
Why doesn't someone just talk about something.
ok sure
what switch game are you all most excited for this year?
I can only think of yoshis crafted world, but i want that one
I forgot about those! Alright, hype list
Pokemon is good, maybe playing an earlier title sometime before or after gen 8 would be beneficial. Just to get a feel for what came in where
I don't get hyped for pokemon till new mons are released
Heyy, anybody into rocket league or stardew valley?
Heyo I need some switch friends, (1324-9856-7207)
Hi anybody play Minecraft (7765-3648-0296)
hello @21XX
h e n l o
Muy bien