wanna play smash
i know but I want getting anyone there
no one was responding
Nobody wants to play then, simple as that. You can also search for players using the Switcher.gg web app.
Mario, go fish.
i need an official inv link
is it still generally simple to get Japanese eshop games by just making a Japanese account?
yes @CapnGibbens However you will need to have eShop credit in the same currency - you cannot purchase eShop credit that is in dollars and add it to your Japanese account. I think you can use credit card though, but I'm not too sure
In other words, you cannot use Eshop cards, you gotta use your credit card directly.
Hello all, new here just found out about this. Does this work in a similar way the old XBConnect client worked?
Uh anyone here know anything about old Apple 2 e computers
floppy disks. thats about the extent of my knowledge
What do you want to know?
Well I found on in my parents garage. It's functions but looks like it's got a bad rom chip.