i good u
@xd AwsmGamerB added ya
hey yall, if anyone wants to play nes classics or smash hit us up
Hey, how do you change featured games?
like the games shown on the front of your profile if that makes any sense
I saw someone with only 2 showing even though they had several so idrk
you can reset them, then start them up and theyll show up again
Usually the first 3 show up
Anyone up for smash ultimate or anything on nes online?
anyone wanna smash join K27D3 soon
anyone for a fourth?
Hi all. Is it okay for me to ask which site to download switch Roma from safely? Please help me with this info I'd possible.
You mean ROMs?
Yes Roms
Read rule no. 4⃣ in please
Ok. Thanks anyway.
No problem 😉
Merry Christmas Eve!