Evidently I don't know what I'm talking about when I send the rep articles about how their firmware breaks fuses and show photo proof from other users who have modded their unita and show the burnt fuse coint. Evidently I'm wrong. Sorry I'm so upset
Alright I'm going to go do some artwork. That's usually my therapy. I'll try to do somethinf I can share here
Their firmware burnt out fuses where?
@Eagleflies14 well some Ethernet connectors heat up the switch overnight if it's just docked. Have you seen if it's warm In the morning?
I apologize @Silius_ , I do not even own an ethernet adapter for Switch. I only used wifi
@Donorak Evidently some hackers have found out the 6.2.0 update burned out some fuses in the CPU of the Switch. Supposedly it's an anti-downgrade thing
@Eagleflies14 oh no worries friend! Just trying to help 🤓 I'm sorry about your situation though 😑
I really do appreciate any help 😃 Thank you so much
I do not know. I don't trust this rep based on what I am seeing across multiple sources, although none of them are official
Well 6.2 was to prevent the hacking ever more so which good on Nintendo preventing that stuff.
So how's Full Metal Furies?
I agree that was awesome but how does a FaceOff wired controller that is licensed by Nintendo and sold at a retail store burn 8 fuses that supposedly according to hackers are supposed to be burnt out? That's where I'm confused
Not sure. so the whole situation was you plugged in the controller to the usb A and it just bricked your switch?
my only suspicions and im sure there's is as well is that you know the fuses on the CPU are blown.
That was really the only major difference since I did the 6.2.0 update. However I have been seeing via multiple unofficial sources that the firmware itself blows those fuses on purpose. I really don't know
Wait o
Nintendo's purposely blowing fuses on 6.30?
Like if you tamper with them