@GonzoArmstrong There's no physical edition for Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion because it's an expansion on the original game 😃 Having it separate wouldn't make sense.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2's Torna campaign is a totally separate campaign that has nothing to do with the original game
and thus it makes sense to give it a physical edition
Man I can't wait for Soundfall 😂
Game looks so freaking hype
Hoping it's possible to import music to the Switch version too
Need more sound-based games on Switch 🤔
I love those
tho I'm horrible at them, but still
no rhythm in this body yo
Ever tried thumper?
Yeah, I liked it 😃
played it already on pc tho
Wish my drawing skills weren't total garbage 🤔
Really want to draw up another OC soon
https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/YouTube-1467860.html YouTube is on the switch now
But doesnt nintendo sell the xc2 expansion both physically and digitally?
Oh, the messages didnt pop-up. My bad
Forget what i said
Some people have been saying that hulu had a 1 year exclusivity deal since YouTube app released a year later